ISO 9001 2015, IATF 16949 2016, AS 9100 Format Videos - MSI ISO ERP Premium Model.

M.No Module or Flow Name Series Application R.No
1 Introduction of Ayan Technologies. 1 1
2 What is Quality, Quality Management Systems and Business Systems? 2 2
3 Can ISO be a Business Growth Engine? 3 3
4 Does ISO Certificate means you Produce Good Quality or have quality Products. 4 4
5 ISO Just a Platform. Problems Starts after getting ISO Certificate. Is your Certificate Genuine or Fake? Process of ISO Certification? 5 5
6 Manreqa an ISO ERP Software an Introduction. 6 6
7 Rules to adopt while implementing ISO ERP 7 7
8 ISO ERP Operations 8 8
8-A ERP Introduction 9
8-B New Operation 10
8-C Save Operation 11
8-D Edit Operation 12
8-E Find Operation 13
8-F Delete Operation 14
8-G Cancel Row 15
8-H Cancel Operation 16
8-I Exit Operation 17
8-J Backup 18
8-K User Name & Password Creation 19
9 Marketing Module 9 20
9-A Customer Enquiry (21 D) (21P) 21
9-B Quotation (22 D) (22P) 22
9-C Quotation Acceptance (23 D) (23P) 23
10 Admin Module 10 24
10-A ICR Customer Order or Monthly Schedules (21 S, 67S, 89S) (25D, 93D, 119D) (25P,110P,141P)) 25
10-B Outgoing Register (22 S) (26D) (26P) 26
11 Contract or Order Module 11 27
11-A Order or Contract List & Job Number Creation (24 S, 68S, 90S) (28D, 94D, 120D) (28P, 111P, 142P) 28
11-B Action on Cust Rejection 29
11-C Product Sales Plan 30
11-D RM Plan 31
12 Purchase Module 12 32
12-A Requisition 33
12-B Requisition Approval 34
12-C Purchase Enquiry 35
12-D Supplier Quotation 36
12-E Comparative Analysis 37
12-F Supplier PO & PO Print (26 S, 74S) (32D,100D) (38P, 120P) 38
12-G Vendor DC & DC Print (27 S, 75S) (33D,108D) (39P,128P) 39
13 Stores Module 13 40
13-A Supplier GRN & GRN Print (29 S, 75S) (35D,101D) (41P, 121P) 41
13-B Supplier GRN Sep Inspection with out QCP (103 D, 36D) (42P, 123P) 42
13-C Vendor GRN & GRN Print (30 S, 83S) (37D,109D) (43P, 129P) 43
13-D Vendor GRN Sep Inspection With out QCP (111 D, 38D) (44P, 131P) 44
13-E Office Issue (31 S, 79S) (39D, 125D) , (45P, 125P) 45
13-F Office Return Slip 46
13-G Direct GRN (32 S) (41D) (47P) 47
13-H Vendor GRN Issue (87 S,32.1 S) (113 D, 42D) (48P, 133P) 48
14 Inventory / Stock Status Module 14 49
14-A Raw Material Stock Status (34 S) (44D) (50P) 50
14-B Product Stock Status after FI (35 S) (45D) (51P) 51
14-C Vendor Stock Details (36 S) (46D) (52P) 52
14-D RM Stock Valuation 53
14-E Product Stock Valuation 54
14-F Product In process Stock 55
15 Production Module 15 56
15-A Production Scheduling against RM Stocks (48 D, 94.1D) (57P, 112P) 57
15-B Route Card - Plan & Print Route Card (With out QCP) (58 P, 113P) 58
15-C Production Progress With out QCP (59 P, 114P) 59
16 QA Module 16 60
16-A Drawing Register (38 S) (50D) (61P) 61
16-B QCP- Quality Control Plan (39 S) (51D) (62P) 62
16-C Process Parameters Inspection. (Not Included) 63
16-D Inspection - Inprocess and Final Inspection (40 S, 69S) (52D, 92D) (64P, 115P) 64
16-E PDIR Inspection. (Not Included) 65
16-F CAR (41 S) (57D) (66P) 66
16-G Calibration List (116 D, 58D) (67P) 67
16-H CAR 68
16-I Machine Maintenance-Service Schedule (69P,148P) 69
16-J Machine Maintenance-Service Record (70P, 149P) 70
16-K Improvement Opportunities 71
16-L Customer Feedback (42 S) (61D) (72P) 72
17 Sales Module 17 73
17-A Invoice / DC and Invoice Print (With FP Stock - 44 S, 70S, 94S) (63D, 96D, 124D) (74P, 116P, 146P) 74
18 Tools Module 18 75
18-A Tool Room Progress 76
18-B TDR & TRR 77
18-C Tool Life Repairs Tracking. 78
18-D Tool History & Cost. 79
19 Design or BOM Module 19 80
19-A Assembly BOM 81
20 Master Module 20 82
20-A Raw Material Code (46 S) (68D ) (83P) 83
20-B Product Code (47 S) (69D) (84P) 84
20-C Process Master (48 S) (70D) (85P) 85
20-D Process Parameter Master. (Not Included) 86
20-E Supp Ven Master (49 S ) (71D) (87P) 87
20-F Customer Master (50 S ) (72D) (88P) 88
20-G Employee Master (S 50.1) (73D) (89P) 89
20-H M/C Standardisation 90
20-I Tool Master (51 S ) (74D) (91P) 91
20-J Filing Register (52 S ) (75D) (92P) 92
20-K Product Price List (53 S ) (76D) (93P) 93
20-L Reason Master (54 S ) (77D) (94P) 94
20-M Standards-Raw Material Sub Group (55 S ) (78D) (95P) 95
20-N Standards-Product Sub Group (56 S ) (79D) (96P) 96
20-0 Standards-Taxation (57 S ) (80D) (97P) 97
20-P Standards-Units (58 S ) (81D) (98P) 98
20-Q User Name & Password Creation (19 S) (19D, 83D) (19 P, 99P) 99
20-R Standards - User Allocation 100
20-S Standards-FVR (59 S ) (82D) (101P) 101
20-T Standards - Control Chart Constant 102
20-U Standards - Cp & Cpk Normal Curve Constants 103
20-V Standards-Rating (62 S ) (88D) (104) 104
20-W Standards - Company Details 105
20-X Standards - Day Entry 106
20-Y Back Up 107
21 Customer PO to Insp to Invoice to Cust Complaint Flow (with FG Inventory) 21 108
21-A Flow for Customer PO to Invoice Print to Customer Complaint (65 S ) (92D) (109P) 109
21-B ICR Customer Order or Monthly Schedules (21 S, 67S, 89S) (25D, 93D, 119D) (25P,110P,141P) 110
21-C Order or Contract List & Job Number Creation (24 S, 68S, 90S) (28D, 94D, 120D) (28P, 111P, 142P) 111
21-D Production Scheduling against RM Stocks (48 D, 94.1D) (57P, 112P) 112
21-E Route Card - Plan & Print Route Card (With out QCP) (58 P, 113P) 113
21-F Production Progress With out QCP (59 P, 114P) 114
21-G Inspection - Inprocess and Final Inspection (40 S, 69S) (52D, 92D) (64P, 115P ) 115
21-H Invoice / DC and Invoice Print (With FP Stock - (44 S, 70S, 94S) (63D, 96D, 124D), (74P, 116P, 146P) 116
21-I Customer Complaint (70 S) (97D) (117P) 117
22 DI Raw Material Inventory or Stock Flow 22 118
22-A Raw Material Inventory or Stock Flow (73 S) (99D) (119P) 119
22-B Supplier PO & PO Print (26 S, 74S) (32D, 100D) (42P, 120P) 120
22-C Supplier GRN & GRN Print (29 S, 75S) (35D, 101D) (42P, 121P) 121
22-D Supplier Bill Scanning (76 S) (102D) (122P) 122
22-E Supplier GRN Sep Inspection with out QCP (103 D, 36D) (42P, 123P) 123
22-F Supplier RM TC Scanning (78 S) (104D) (124P) 124
22-G Office Issue (31 S, 79S) (39D, 125D) (45P, 125P) 125
23 Vendor DC Print & Vendor Stock Flow 23 126
23-A Vendor Stock or Vendor Part Movement Flow (80 S) (107D) (127P) 127
23-B Vendor DC & DC Print (27 S, 75S) (33D, 108D) (39P,128P) 128
23-C Vendor GRN & GRN Print (30 S, 83S) (37D, 109D) (43P, 129P) 129
23-D Vendor GRN Bill Scanning (84 S) (110D) (130P) 130
23-E Vendor GRN Sep Inspection With out QCP (111 D, 38D) (44P, 131P) 131
23-F Vendor TC Scanning (86 S ) (112D) (132P) 132
23-G Vendor GRN Issue (87 S) (113 D, 42D) (48P, 133P) 133
24 Calibration System 24 134
24-A Calibration Flow 135
24-B Calibration List (116 D, 58D) (67P, 136P) 136
24-C Calibration Certificate Scanning (117 D) (137 P) 137
24-D Instruments History & Cost. 138
24-E Instruments Calibration Status. 139
25 DI Invoice Print Flow With Out FG Inventory 25 140
21-B ICR Customer Order or Monthly Schedules (21 S, 67S, 89S) (25D, 93D, 119D) (25P,110P,141P) 141
21-C Order or Contract List & Job Number Creation (24 S, 68S, 90S) (28D, 94D, 120D) (28P, 111P, 142P) 142
26-A Invoice / DC and Invoice Print (With Out FP Stock - (91 S, 93S) (121D, 123D) (143P, 145P) 143
26 Invoice Print 26 144
26-A Invoice / DC and Invoice Print (With Out FP Stock - 91 S, 93S) (121D, 123D) (143P, 145P) 145
21-H Invoice / DC and Invoice Print (With FP Stock - 44 S, 70S, 94S) (63D, 96D, 124D) (74P, 116P, 146P) 146
27 Machine Maintaince Module 27 147
27-A Machine Maintenance-Service Schedule (69P,148P) 148
27-B Machine Maintenance-Service Record (70P, 149P) 149
27-C Machine Repair Status. 150
27-D Machine History & Cost. 151
27-E Machine OEE. 152
27-F MTTR-MTBF-MTBR Machine Analysis. 153
28 Product Sales Plan & RM Purchase Planning Flow 28 154
28-A Product Sales Plan 155
28-B RM Procurement Plan 156
29 Requisition to Comparative Analysis to PO 29 157
29-A Requisition 158
29-B Requisition Approval 159
29-C Purchase Enquiry. 160
29-D Supplier Quotation. 161
29-E Comparative Analysis. 162
30 FAI (First Article Inspection) Systems (Not Included) 30 163
30-A FAI Master.(Not Included) 164
30-B FAI Master Approval. (Not Included) 165
30-C PDIR.(Not Included) 166
31 Trackers 31 167
32 Lean Ratio Queries 32 168
33 Traceability Queries 33 169
34 MRM Queries & Graphs 34 170
35 Customer Complaint Flow 35 171
36 Raw Material Valuation 36 172
37 Customer Perception Index (Customer Feedback Analysis) 37 173
38 Direct Stock Updates 38 174
38-A Direct Product Stock Update (32.2 S) (128D) (171P) 175
38-B Direct RM Stock Update (32.3 S) (129D) (172P) 176
39 Per Modules Allocation 39 177
40 Per Screen Allocation 40 178
41 Reason Collection Master Module 41 179
42 Non Conformance Management 8 D Reports 42 180
43 Non Conformance with Repeat Reasons & Number of Occurrence 43 181
44 Reports 44 182
45 Windows 45 183
47 Help 47 184
48 Exit 48 185